$ 30.05
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This is a set of our 3 most popular manuals for the International Farmall Super H Tractors with a C-164 engineThe Engine Service Manual Service / Shop Manual contains all the information you need to take apart, repair and put back together your Farmall Tractor. This is the same manual that the factory issued to the Farmall tractor dealers service department. It is written in the language that a mechanic understands.
The Tractor Operators / Instruction manual is an excellent source of information on using your tractor and covers maintenance and many general mechanical repairs. The International
Farmall operators / instruction manual gives the tractor owner / operator instructions on.
The Parts Catalog manual contains a complete list of parts for your tractor it is also an excellent source of information for reassembling your tractor.
The parts catalog shows the tractor owner / operator the parts grouped according to the location on the tractor.
Each group shows an "exploded view" which clearly illustrates each part in its correct relation to other parts in the illustration.
You need a parts catalog, it saves you time, money and helps you seem more informed when ordering parts
All three manuals are reproductions of an original manual
We ship most packages through the United States Postal
Service. Please use an address the USPS will Deliver to.
All Parts are "After Market Parts". Any reference to a Manufacturers’
brand name is meant only to describe the Make and Model equipment the
part fits. We Sell After Market Parts Only. All of our manuals are
reproductions of the original manuals.
Return Policy:
Returns must be in new unused and in original packaging with
no damage and identification labels attached. Items returned that are in multipacks
must have all pieces in their original packaging included.
If the part is not returned following these criteria- it
will be sent back.
If we made a mistake in sending your order, we shall be
responsible for the return shipping cost.
All returned parts will be subjected to a 20% restocking fee
in cases of buyer error.
In cases of buyer error, all shipping costs will be deducted
from your refund.